A Gospel community making Christ known in the valley.
Sundays at 9 a.m. and 11 a.m.
Welcome to Valley Bible Church
Our hope at Valley Bible Church is to be a place for you to come, ask hard questions, and see what life with Jesus looks like. We are not merely a Sunday meeting or an organization, but a community of people formed in and by Christ. We think of ourselves as a family on mission together.
Like any family, our shared life together is both beautiful and messy. In the midst of that beautiful mess, we believe that God is at work in and through us, transforming our hearts and lives together.
And, as a family on mission, we believe that God desires every member to be an active part of His work as He redeems and restores His lost children through the work of Christ and the power of His Holy Spirit. We would love for you to join us as we love the people of the New River Valley and watch what God does in and through us.

How do I become a Christian?
Who We Are
We are a gospel community making Christ known in the New River Valley. We are following Jesus with our lives shaped by four core identities.
To hear sermons related to each of these please check out our Core Identities series.
The Gospel is the good news that the God-man Jesus Christ has won the decisive victory over the kingdom of darkness by coming in the flesh and fulfilling the righteous requirements of God's Law in our place. He then bore the weight of our sin and God's just wrath against us and was crucified in our place before rising victorious in our place. We respond to this good news by turning from our sin and trusting Him as our Savior and King.
The Gospel saves us and brings us into a new family knit together in Christ. Old dividing walls of racial, ethnic, or cultural hatred were crushed under the cross of Christ and he now unites us in his body. In this new community, we experience his grace through one another, and our in unity we display his power and beauty to a watching world.
All of life is lived before the face of God and every moment is an opportunity to glorify Him. God designed us to flourish with regular rhythms of work, rest, and corporate worship. When we gather together for regular corporate worship, we are invited to participate in the story of the Gospel through our sermons, songs, prayers, and sacraments, and we are reoriented toward Him as our source of life, meaning, and true joy.
God is on a mission to seek and save his lost and rebellious people, and to bring to completion his project to restore justice, goodness, and beauty on earth as it is in heaven. He calls every one of us to serve his mission as his kingdom representatives. Every follower of Jesus is on mission, sharing and promoting the Gospel while making disciples of all peoples.
Financial stewardship is an act of worship that is meant to display the Gospel. We trust God and His faithfulness to sustain and provide for us over our own self-sufficient means. As Christians, we give faithfully and generously, just as Jesus did for us.

We are a gospel community
making Christ known
in the valley.
Come visit us and connect with us!
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